Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

2001: Odyssey ½ is written by Jamie Austin Wilde and began online publication on December 25th, 1996.[1] It was completed on April 4th, 1997.[2]


NCA Astronaut Ranma Saotome is on the Discovery making a voyage to Jupiter. Along with him is Ryouga Hibiki, and in hibernaculums are Akane, Nabiki and Kasumi Tendo. And there's the computer, HAL, running the ship...[3]


PLOT NEEDED - This article is missing a plot summary of the events of this story.

Chapter 1[]

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 3[]

Chapter 4[]

Chapter 5[]

Chapter 6[]


FFML Posting History[]

RAAC Posting History[]

See Also[]

External Links[]

External Link Needed


  1. Post at FFML - Retrieved 26-05-2021
  2. Post at FFML - Retrieved 27-07-2021
  3. Description from Internet Archive record of The Penultimate Ranma Fanfic Index - Retrieved 10-02-2016