Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

A Divine Daughter is written by David Crawford and began online publication in ????. It currently stands incomplete at six parts, the most recent of which was published in ????.


Imagine a universe in which Ranma is deemed worthy of a wish by the Goddess Relief Office. Considering Ranma's luck with magic, a little Divine Intervention may be more trouble than it's worth.[1]
Ranma got a wish, which was translated to Skuld Moving in.[2]


PLOT NEEDED - This article is missing a plot summary of the events of this story.

Part 1: But, I Didn't Want a Wish![]

Part 2[]

Part 3: A Spur in the Side - The Revenge of Nabiki[]

Part 4: Undercurrents[]

Part 5: House Calls, or When Yumi Makes a House Call[]

Part 6[]


  • Published to Fanfiction.net (#765220) but subsequently deleted.

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Description from Internet Archive record of The Nabiki and Ranma Relationship Archive - Retrieved 28-07-2018
  2. Description from Fanfiction.net (link subsequently deleted)