Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

Bridget Ellen Wilde, formerly Bridget Ellen Engman and also known as bewildered, is the author of 15 works of Ranma ½ fan fiction.


Born May 31st, 1972.[2] She married Jamie Austin Wilde on May 2nd, 1998.[3] Now a single mother of three children.[4][5] She separated from J. Austin Wilde in January 2006 due to his repeated molestation of her 11-year-old daughter.[6] She currently resides in Tucson, AZ with her children.

Ranma ½ Fan Fiction[]

Date Title Notes
30/Jun/98      Basic Tenants
29/Oct/96      The Curse
30/Oct/95      Daruma ½
02/Oct/96      Flambe!
28/Oct/96      Hitting the Nail on the Head
04/Feb/00      I'm a Boy
17/Jul/98      The Muppet Show Tribute to Anime!
02/Mar/95      Project Ranko
06/Feb/99      Ranma ½: A True Story co-written by Jamie Austin Wilde
16/Sep/96      Ranma Monogatari
09/May/97      Shampoo Part of Reunions
04/Oct/96      Shizuku
01/Apr/98      Song of Spring
30/Sep/96      "Untitled"
13/Jun/98      Wedding Night

Dead Web Sites[]

  • www.psn.net/~wildeman/
  • www.gci-net.com/users/w/wildeman/

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. ArchiveofOurOwn.org fics updated January 8th, 2017.
  2. FFML BIOS #14 - Retrieved 19-Jul-2021
  3. Post at FFML - Retrieved 23-Jan-2017
  4. Post at FFML - Retrieved 23-Jan-2017
  5. bewildered at ArchiveofourOwn.org - Retrieved 23-Jan-2017
  6. Arizona Department of Public Safety OffenderWatch - Retrieved 27-Aug-2022