Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Fan Fiction Mailing List, or FFML for short, was originally launched by Thom Woosley[1] in August 1995 as a means for writers to gain C&C on their stories before posting them to RAAS and then later RAAC and Fanfiction.net.


  • On April 3rd, 2021 Dennis Carr announced that the FFML would be shutting down on July 1st of the same year.[4]



A FAQ for the list was put together by Andy Skuse and Sapphire, with several other prominent writers taking part in updating it over the years:

FAQ Posts[]

Resources Guide[]

Drinking Games[]

Main article: The Fanfiction Cross Over Drinking Game
Main article: The Ranma ½ Fanfic Drinking Game
Main article: The Ranma ½ Fan Fiction Drinking Game
Main article: The Ranma ½ Fan Fiction *Error* Drinking Game

Weekly Synopses[]

Main article: FFML Weekly Synopses


By 2006 the list was looking decidedly thin. Mike W. Loader made a post highlighting this, reasons why it had happened, and why he felt it was irreversible on June 16th, 2006.[9]


  • An archive of posts from 1995 to 2007 was once stored at the following locations:
  • ffmlsearch.inklesspen.com
  • sanjiyan.co.uk
  • An archive of posts from 2007-2021 was once stored here: www.chez-vrolet.net/pipermail/ffml/
  • Some posts (from February 16th, 1998 onwards) were archived here: db.netimages.com/cgi-bin/fetch
  • Another archive was launched March 14th, 1998 archiving posts from the previous year and half: skynet.gt.ed.net/ffml/
  • A current archive of all posts can be found here: FFML Archive 1995-2021[10]

Dead Web Sites[]

  • gopher.web.aol.com/FFML
  • plaza.snu.ac.kr/~wacko/fanfics/ffml-faq.html
  • illusion.snu.ac.kr/~wacko/ffml/

See Also[]


  1. FFML FAQ (Link subsequently deleted)
  2. Post at FFML - Retrieved 13-Apr-2021
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Retrieved 13-Apr-2021
  4. Post at FFML (Link subsequently deleted)
  5. Post at FFML
  6. Post at FFML - Retrieved 03-Aug-2024
  7. Announced October 2nd, 1997. Post at FFML - Retrieved 03-Aug-2024
  8. Stepped down September 14th, 1997. Post at FFML - Retrieved 12-Jan-2022
  9. Post at FFML
  10. Retrieved 03-Aug-2024