Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

Final Embrace is written by Keener Barnes and Gary Kleppe (with an unused extended ending by Ryan Anderson) and was published online on June 5th, 1997.[1]


What will it take before Ranma is able to fight back against the one he loves?[2]
Ranma's iinazuke has been taken over by dark powers. Destruction and death follow as all connected with Ranma are killed...[3]


PLOT NEEDED - This article is missing a plot summary of the events of this story.


  • Ryan Anderson's proposed extended ending was not used in the final version of the story.

FFML Posting History[]

RAAC Posting History[]

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Post at FFML & Post at FFML - Retrieved 04-12-2021
  2. Description from Gary Kleppe's fanfiction - Retrieved 04-12-2021
  3. Description from Internet Archive record of The Penultimate Ranma Fanfic Index - Retrieved 04-12-2021