Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

Gary Kleppe is the author of 69 works of Ranma ½ fan fiction.


Born October 28th, 1962.[2]

Ranma ½ Fan Fiction[]

Date Title Notes
07/May/97      Akane the Psychotic Maniac
20/Apr/99      Angsty Ranma Entry in The Other Cheek
30/Jul/01      Animals co-written with Yoiko
27/Nov/96      "Another Bad Crossover Idea"
19/Sep/97      The Bargain co-written with Ukyou Kuonji
"Alternative ending" only
10/Apr/97      Barney Meets Azusa
17/Nov/97      Bimbo
10/Apr/97      The Bittern End Parody of The Bitter End
28/Apr/98      Cat's Prey
29/Aug/99      The Conspiracy
23/Oct/00      The Cooking Lesson
05/Aug/98      Fanboy's Delight
31/Mar/99      "Hiroshi and Daisuke Finish "Hearts of Ice"" Sequel to Fanboy's Delight
19/Oct/99      LCD Sequel to "Hiroshi and Daisuke Finish "Heats of Ice""
20/Nov/03      "Fic We Can't Come Up with a Title For" Sequel to LCD
26/Feb/99      The Fiancée Song
05/Jun/97      Final Embrace co-written with Keener Barnes
09/May/00      For a Dying Friend
11/Oct/99      The Ghost Prison
24/Jul/97      "Hearts and Minds Preludes"
10/Feb/99      Hearts and Minds Sequel to "Hearts and Minds Preludes"
04/Sep/97      Heart's Desire co-written with Ken Arromdee, Donny Cheng, Trevor J. Hamilton, Sean Hayden, Ronny Hedin, Thomas Schmidt, David A. Tatum, and Ethan Tsai
01/Nov/97      How Not to Be Seen or Revenge is a Dish Best Served with a Side of SPAM
16/Feb/98      I Can't
27/May/99      I Dream of Ranma
31/May/13      Intercurse
17/Nov/97      Is Shampoo a Bimbo?
16/Mar/99      Justice
02/Oct/00      Kasumi's Syndrome co-written with Matt Posner
06/Jan/99      The Key
26/Feb/99      The Lifeboat Sketch
11/Mar/97      Lost
11/Sep/04      The Master's Underthings
30/May/97      Megami-sama, Masaka?
19/Aug/97      Modern Therapy co-written with Warren Casper
03/Apr/99      Moving On
20/Feb/98      "Nabiki/Kodachi"
21/Apr/12      A Name to Agree On
03/Nov/96      Painful Revenge
07/Jan/97      A Peaceful Life
16/Apr/97      Pools of Horror Sequel to Cursed
30/Jun/01      Puppy Love co-written with Yoiko
02/Jan/97      Quest for the Silly Spamfic co-written with James V. Nutley and Anthony Shadwick
30/Dec/97      Ranma and Friends
01/Apr/97      Ranma is Dead
10/Jan/01      Ranma Makes a Decision
07/Mar/98      Redhead
20/Jun/97      The Reflection
14/Oct/97      The Right Choice
27/Mar/98      Ryouga Goes to New Jersey
02/Apr/02      Ryouga's Demon
16/May/99      The Seven Samurai of Anime co-written with Ken Arromdee, Donny Cheng, Steven P. Cornett, Andrew M. Petalik, Vincent Seifert, and Ethan Tsai
28/Sep/98      Shampoo Entry in Preludes series
Side story to Hearts and Minds
08/Dec/96      She Knows?
14/Jan/97      The Sign
16/Sep/97      (sur)Real Visions co-written with James A. Bateman, Chris Richard Davies, David J. Eddy, Geoffrey T. Hamilton, Scott K. Jamison, Richard D. Lawson, Nicholas W. Leifker, Mike W. Loader, Sapphire, Trisha Lynn Sebastian, and Matthew Trotter
Based on The (sur)Real World
14/May/98      Tangled Web
07/Mar/02      Tenshi
24/Oct/96      There Goes the Neighborhood
05/May/97      They Never Listen
29/Jan/97      Ukyo
20/Sep/97      Ukyo and Ryoga
09/Apr/98      "Untitled"
12/Nov/98      "Untitled"
01/Jan/00      "Untitled" Entry in Another Crack
07/Jan/99      Unusual Couple
01/Nov/00      A Vampire in Nerima
31/Oct/97      Waking Up
07/Dec/98      "What if Ranma Were a Potato?" Entry in The Butt

Dead Web Sites[]

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Latest fic posted to FFML June 13th, 2013.
  2. FFML BIOS #10 - Retrieved 19-Jul-2021