Girl Days is written by Robert Haynie Jr. and began online publication on April 23rd, 1999.[1] It currently stands incomplete at 18 parts, the last of which was published on November 18th, 2002.[2]
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Ranma, at the request of his mother, must now become a girl among girls![3]
Nodoka has come to a conclusion. Her son has become a Man amongst Men, but now it's time for her to become a Woman amongst Women as well! So starts the Girl Days training program. Ranma must remain a girl for the next 2 months, and thereafter at least 1 day in 4. How on earth will she survive...[4]
Ranma's mother came up with the idea to help Ranma understand "femininity with masculine determination" since he's both a female and male. So now Ranma have a stay as a girl for a while.[5]
PLOT NEEDED - This article is missing a plot summary of the events of this story.
Part 1: You Want Me to WHAT?!?[]
Part 2: The Shopping Trip[]
Part 3: Girls Day Out (of Your Mind)[]
Part 4: Amazon Days?[]
Part 5: A Quiet Day (Yeah, Right)[]
Part 6: Life's a Beach[]
Part 7: A Date that Will Live in Infamy[]
Part 8: Female Trouble[]
Part 9: Back to School[]
Part 10: Stuff (An Interval Before Serious Silliness)[]
Part 11: Party![]
Part 12: Reality? Sheah, RIGHT.[]
Part 13: Giant Worshiping Crisis Battle to Determine the Fate of Man! (But Unlike Some Fanfic, Strangely Without a Tragic Death)[]
Part 14: The World's... WORST?!? (Or, the Obligatory Annoying New Character Bit)[]
Part 15: Stylistic Differences[]
Part 16: Norse by Norsewest[]
Part 17: The Unfortunate Lack of a Green Midget Cafe[]
Part 18: Revolutionary Girl Ryoga (If Rumiko Takahashi Ever Saw this She'd Either Kill Me or Buy the Story. Me, I'm Wearing a Bulletproof Vest)[]