Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

Keener Barnes, also known as Parrot King, is the author of 14 works of Ranma ½ fan fiction.


Ranma ½ Fan Fiction[]

Date Title Notes
13/Nov/97      Craft 54, Where the !@#$ are You?
05/Jun/97      Final Embrace co-written with Gary Kleppe
01/Nov/97      In the Mouth of Ryouga-ness
14/Feb/97      Lonely Hearts and Furry Faces
11/May/97      Memories Mask
13/Feb/97      Mousse's Fun with Fellatio
06/Jun/97      Mousse's Secret
15/Feb/97      Of Hashbrowns and Nightgowns
09/Aug/98      Pigtails and Fedora's
08/May/97      Suicide Blast
27/Apr/97      "Seppukku Blast Side Story" Side story to Suicide Blast
15/Jul/97      Three on One and One on Three!
08/Sep/97      "Untitled"
07/May/97      The Uses of the Knife
07/Jun/97      Of Bullets and Birds[1] Indicated to be a Ranma ½ crossover, but none of the cast have appeared as yet.
12/Aug/97      Teenage Ninja Gecko[2] Meant to be a fusion of Ranma ½ and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
03/Oct/98      The Lion's Pride[3] Side story to Suicide Blast
Does not feature any of the Ranma ½ cast.

Dead Web Sites[]

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Retrieved 24-Dec-2021
  2. Retrieved 12-Apr-2023
  3. Retrieved 03-Sep-2024