Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

rec.arts.anime.creative, or RAAC for short, was originally launched on March 18th, 1996 as a means for writers to share their manga and anime-based works of fan fiction.


  • An announcement was made on November 18th, 1995 (Post at rec.arts.anime.stories[1]) as to a potential future reorganization of the rec.arts.anime newsgroup, with .stories being replaced by rec.arts.anime.fan-works.misc. A second post (12/Dec/95[2]) saw this change to the title of its successor, rec.arts.anime.creative. A third and final post (18/Jan/96[3]) was made before the vote, which was ultimately successful.
  • By 2002 the number of posts to the group had dropped significantly, with the last non-auto-FAQ post occurring on July 29th, 2012.[4] The final auto-FAQ post was on May 16th, 2017.[5]



See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Retrieved 24-Mar-2022
  2. Post at RAAS - Retrieved 24-Mar-2022
  3. Post at RAAS - Retrieved 24-Mar-2022
  4. Post at RAAC - Retrieved 03-Aug-2024
  5. Post at RAAC - Retrieved 03-Aug-2024
  6. Retrieved 24-Mar-2022
  7. Retrieved 24-Mar-2022