Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Dinner Guest or A Brief Foray into Food and Absolute Evil is written by Jamie Austin Wilde and was published online on November 8th, 1999.[1]


Akane owes someone a debt of honour, and she's going to repay that debt by cooking for them! Ranma has to eat it too unfortunately, but he has to make sure that the guest survives the evening. However when the guest arrives, he's not at all sure who it is that needs protecting. There's something very strange about the urbane Dr Fell. Something about the eyes...[2]


PLOT NEEDED - This article is missing a plot summary of the events of this story.



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  1. Post at FFML - Retrieved 23-01-2017
  2. Description from Internet Archive record of The Penultimate Ranma Fanfic Index - Retrieved 01-12-2016